West Dorset ICD Support Group

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Group's Background

What do we do?
Hold quarterly meetings to:
Give support to people with ICDs, their partners, relatives and carers
Provide an opportunity to meet people with common experiences
Provide information relevant to your needs
Guest speakers talking on topics relevant to the group
Provide a forum for discussion and friendship
Arrange social activities
Have fun!!

Who runs the group?
A committee, made up of people who have ICDs and their partners, run the group.  It is also supported by the Arrhythmia Nurse Specialists from the Dorset County Hospital.

How do I become a member?
Membership of the group is open to all individuals who have an ICD, their families, carers and friends.   Go to our Contact Us page to send us an email for more information or go to the next meeting, details of all our meetings are on the Meetings and Events page.

How are we funded?
We raise funds through social activities and voluntary donations from members.  We also receive sponsorship from various organisations, for the hire of our meeting venue.
These donations are used to fund the venue and refreshments at our meetings, as well as support projects and resources that have been agreed by the West Dorset ICD Support Group Committee.

Our Committee Members
Chairperson - Steve Pile
Vice Chairperson - Vacant
Kay Elliott (Arrhythmia Nurse Specialist, Dorset County Hospital)
Juliet Quick (Arrhythmia Nurse Specialist, Dorset County Hospital)
Alan Denton  (Secretary)
Jackie Down (Treasurer)
Tony Down (Committee)

West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator) Support Group (WDICDSG)

Data Protection Policy

1) Definitions


  1. Personal data is information about a person which is identifiable as being about them. It can be stored electronically or on paper, and includes images and audio recordings as well as written information.


  3. Data protection is about how we, as a support group, ensure we protect the rights and privacy of individuals, and comply with the law, when collecting, storing, using, amending, sharing, destroying or deleting personal data.

2) Responsibility


  1. Overall and final responsibility for data protection lies with the management committee, who are responsible for overseeing activities and ensuring this policy is upheld.

3) Overall policy statement


  1. WDICDSG needs to keep personal data about its committee and members in order to carry out group activities.


  3. We will collect, store, use, amend, share, destroy or delete personal data only in ways which protect people’s privacy and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant legislation.


  5. We will only collect, store and use the minimum amount of data that we need for clear purposes, and will not collect, store or use data we do not need.


  7. We will only collect, store and use data for:


    • purposes for which the individual has given explicit consent, or


    • purposes that are in our group’s legitimate interests, or


    • contracts with the individual whose data it is, or


    • to comply with legal obligations.


  9. We will provide individuals with details of the data we have about them when requested by the relevant individual.


  11. We will delete data if requested by the relevant individual.


  13. We will endeavor to keep personal data up-to-date and accurate.


  15. We will store personal data securely.


  17. We will keep clear records of the purposes of collecting and holding specific data, to ensure it is only used for these purposes.


  19. We will not share personal data with third parties.


  21. We will endeavour not to have data breaches. In the event of a data breach, we will endeavour to rectify the breach by getting any lost or shared data back. We will evaluate our processes and understand how to avoid it happening again. Serious data breaches which may risk someone’s personal rights or freedoms will be reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office within 72 hours, and to the individual concerned.


  23. To uphold this policy, we will maintain a set of data protection procedures for our committee and members to follow.

4) Review

This policy will be reviewed every two years


Signature (Chair)…………………………………………………………….

Signature (Secretary)…………………………………………………………



Constitution for West Dorset ICD

(Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group


1.       Title

The group shall be called West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group.


2.         Aims and Objectives of the West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor

           Defibrillator) Support Group


The group has been established to provide support and information to patients and their families/friends, in the West Dorset area, who have had an Implantable

Cardiovertor Defibrillator (ICD) implanted.


The aim of the group is to support its members by:


  • Providing an opportunity to meet people who may have shared a common or difficult experience in their lives.

  • Offering emotional support to people with ICDs and their partners, relatives and carers

  • Providing information

  • Providing a forum for discussion and friendship

  • Complementing the service already offered by health care professionals

  • Arranging social events

  • Arranging group meetings with informative speakers/presentations


The income from funds raised by the group will be used to support and maintain further meetings and events, and to support individuals, projects and resources that have been agreed by the committee.


3.         Ground rules

The members of the West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator)

Support Group will agree to:


  • Treat each other with respect to create a forum of honest communication

  • Ensure everyone has the opportunity to share their point of view with the consideration of others

  • Be aware that the meetings are not a forum for discussing individual medical problems

  • Maintain confidentiality


    The committee members are responsible for ensuring that these ground rules are followed.




To further its aims and objectives the West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group committee will:


  • Hire a venue suitable for the meetings to occur

  • Obtain, collect and receive monies and funds by means of contributions, donations, subscriptions and any other lawful method towards the group’s activities and for the good of support group members

  • Not undertake any form of permanent trading in the raising of funds

  • Give payment to guest speakers at the group when required

  • Procure equipment, projects and resources for use within the confines of the group


4.            Membership

Membership of the group shall be open to individuals who have an ICD and the friends, family and carers of these individuals. Individuals who have non-                       defibrillator pacemakers will also be accepted as associate members. Membership is achieved by an eligible individual requesting that their contact details be added to the database held by the Secretary.


Every member will have the right to vote on motions at support group meetings including the AGM.


Every member should have the opportunity to vote for an individual to represent him/her on the committee.


The committee may terminate the membership of an individual.  The individual has the right to appeal to the committee if they wish and can have someone accompany them to this meeting.


Members should notify a member of the committee if they do not wish to remain a member of the West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group.  They will then be removed from the circulation list. Any personal data held by the committee (especially that held by the secretary) in respect of their membership will be deleted/securely disposed of.


5.            Officers

The group shall be governed by the committee with the purpose of organising and overseeing the running of the support group meetings and events and maintaining an overview of and agreement for expenditures made from the group’s funds.


An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will allow members of the West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group to elect from the membership a committee who shall hold post from the conclusion of that meeting. Officers, including a Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary will be appointed at the AGM from the committee membership. More than one role may be held by an officer.


The minimum number of members or officers needed at an AGM of West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group and at a committee meeting shall be one third of members (or such other number as the group may from time to time determine) to make votes/decisions valid.


The committee will include the Arrhythmia Nurse Specialists.


The committee may appoint further members as deemed necessary.


All members of the committee will be above the age of 18 years.


  1. Elections

    The AGM will be held each year at such time and place as the committee determine.  This may occur following a West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group meeting. Elections will occur by a show of hands at the AGM. Once elected (or confirmed in office for existing committee members) committee members will hold office until the next AGM.


    Committee members should be notified at previous meetings of nominations for committee membership. The details of those standing for office will be circulated prior to the AGM to all members of West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group.


    The proceedings of the committee shall not be invalidated by a vacancy or if an appointment is not made at the AGM meeting.


    An extraordinary meeting may be called at any time providing all members of the committee are informed 21 days in advance.


    A member of the committee shall cease to hold office if he/she:-


  • Becomes incapable by reason of mental disorder, illness or injury of managing his/her own affairs.

  • Is absent from the meetings for a period of six months without an explanation.

  • Notifies the committee that they wish to resign before their period of office is completed.


    8.         Committee


    No members of the committee shall supply or be interested in supplying goods or services to the West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group except by way of a free gift or on a basis that shows no profits or gain directly or indirectly to members concerned.


    The majority of votes of the committee present will determine every matter.  In the case of equal votes the chairperson of the meeting will have the casting/second vote.


    The committee shall keep minutes of the meeting which will be distributed to members following the meeting.


    The committee may make or alter the rule for the conduct of their business, the summoning and conduct of meetings and the custody of documents.  No rule can be made which is inconsistent with the aims of the group or standards of good governance.


9.         Accounts and Finance

The group shall maintain a bank account in the name of West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group.  The funds of the group including all donations, contributions and bequests shall be paid into the account and operated by the committee. All expenditure must be agreed by the committee. The Treasurer will be a signatory to the account, as will one of the Arrhythmia Nurse Specialists.



There will be a record of accounts maintained by the treasurer.  Accounts shall be prepared annually, audited by an independent authority where practicable, and presented to members at the annual general meeting. Any member who wishes to scrutinise the accounts may do so by notifying a member of the committee of their wishes.


If a committee member is seen to be irresponsible with the funds raised by the group this will be considered a breach in the terms of agreement and this member shall be held personally accountable.


10.       Meetings of the Group

The meetings of the West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group will be held on a quarterly basis unless otherwise decided by the members. Dates and subjects of each meeting will be notified to members in advance.


All members of the West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group shall be informed of the date and time of the AGM meeting.


All members of the group will be given a copy of this constitution on joining the group.


11.      Alterations to the Constitution

It is the role of the committee to consider potential constitution changes which, will be brought to the AGM for agreement.


Any alteration to the constitution of the group must receive the agreement of not less than two thirds of those in attendance at the AGM.


12.       Dissolution

If the Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the West Dorset ICD (Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator) Support Group it shall call a meeting for all members of the group for which no less than 21 days notice should be given.  If the proposal is confirmed by two thirds of all those present and the voting committee the committee shall have the power to release the assets held.  Any assets will be transferred to such charitable institutions as determined by the members.


The Arrhythmia Nurse Specialist will maintain a copy of the statement of accounts and transfer of assets for future reference.




This constitution was approved 17th January 2019 at the WDICDSG AGM